All Posts By

Jarrett Johnston

Season 1

Husein’s Story

Husein was a devout Muslim when he moved back from the Gaza Strip to the United States as a young man. His goal? To convert Christians to Islam. It was only after a Christian friend tried to convert him that he found himself intrigued and watched a man share the…
Jarrett Johnston
January 21, 2021
Season 1

Yasra’s Story

Growing up in Iran within a Muslim community, Yasra felt the burden of trying to be perfect. When that burden became too heavy, she said good-bye to the God she knew. After she left Iran as a refugee and joined her sister and brother-in-law in Cyprus she saw the God…
Jarrett Johnston
January 21, 2021
Season 1

Afshin’s Story

When Afshin’s family moved to Houston, Texas, from Iran, he quickly became an outcast. Growing up in an Islamic household, he believed he was born to be a Muslim – but God had other plans. He used an English tutor, a small New Testament Bible and a high school friend…
Jarrett Johnston
January 21, 2021